From Fear to Faith: 5 journal prompts to FREE you from your anxiety!

I choose faith over THIS. 

Read that again, except now apply it to any area of your life that makes you nervous/anxious/worried. I choose FAITH over THIS! 

Today I was absolutely freaking out over an area in my life that I feel is crazy outside of my control. I felt anxious and nervous and blocked! I was talking to my friend and she encouraged me out of my limiting mindset of fear and into the warm, glorious space of trust! She told me to make a list of all the ways I thrive in the area I was nervous about and it inspired this very blog! 

We’ve all got areas in our lives where we might feel unsupported, or we may feel like we need to keep control over everything so that our world doesn’t crumble. Who feels that? I know I do! But I also know that the moment that I feel like I need to control the outcome of something is exactly the moment that it needs to be surrendered to a power greater than my own. 

So without further ado, I’m going to let you in on an easy way to transform any anxiety into a feeling of trust and certainty. When we feel trust we can actually allow the universe to do its thing and take care of us. When we control, we begin to look for everything wrong and just focus and manifest more and more of that energy into our lives. So let’s try this together. Trust and faith are key ingredients that help us FEEL better, and when we FEEL better, we attract better! 

Answer these prompts in your journal:

1. What area in your life currently feels BLOCKED? Aka, what are you feeling anxious about?

2. Can you write down a list of at least 5 (or more more) areas in which you are proud of yourself? 

3. Now write out a list of 10 qualities you absolutely LOVE about yourself and are totally grateful for!

4. Write a list of all the ways you have succeeded in the grey area you’re anxious about. E.g. if you feel anxious about your finances, write out a list of all the ways you’ve been granted abundance. If you’re feeling anxious about relationships, write out a list of all the ways you feel like you thrive as a partner! 

5. Last prompt to tie it all in! Write a letter to the universe/God/Love/Light or whomever your higher power is thanking them for your awesomeness and all those amazing qualities. Write to them that you are willing to trust them with this dilemma, so you can focus on being your badass self! 

Try these prompts and then at the very end, take a deep breath in and say to yourself: 


For some reason, we think when we are in control we can actually create better outcomes for ourselves but the truth is, there is no better outcomes than the ones the universe has in store for us!